Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
I'll try NTR since I'm the perfect personality to do it with but I have to be wary because Junko is my gf and she has the evil trait. I haven't tried NTR until now because I didn't know how to initiate it and what personality you needed.
You can get ntr'd by the AI. :P
And I just recently installed elf ear mod without thinking. And only realized that it meant I gotta like.. abandon all the current saves of classes in progress and start afresh. Or disregard elf ears for alleyne and continue current classes.
And one of my girls, which is original character has evil trait and she's my sex friend.
Evil girls don't really care if you make it clear that they're your sex friends but if yer date her and u cheated on her, you gonna be visiting the cemetery pretty fast if she can manage to catch you to stab you that is.
Generally, just don't piss them off. Same rule applies to crazy girls I think.
I once had an evil guy, and he straight up murdered an otaku like on second day after he transferred in. XD But otaku dude managed to piss him off somehow. Dunno, I wasn't there when he got pissed off. Probably got ntred.