Longevity wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
winter55 wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Longevity wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...
Longevity wrote...
0/10 who gives a shit?
People who own an xbox might.
PC Master Race you punk bitch.
This is the truth.
>implying you have a PC that's actually top notch
Good enough for my needs fgt.
Pc master race and console master race is just a better title for poorfagism. A master race has everything he can get is hands on.
Or they just know what is better and don't have to spend money needlessly.
Depends on if there a game you want. Im not saying you have to buy if there nothing on the machine.
But saying pc only is limiting your vision. 30% market share and no one can emu past ps2 in normal fps yet. Even psp emu and 3ds emus are shit to not working great yet.