Waar wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
Waar wrote...
How will you stop me from believing I'm better than you/informing you?
Tell him to have another contest, something out of his and your comfort zone, because he genuinely believed that you're only good in communication skills.
They're the only things that matter here. My pride, or ego as some would have it only really pertain to my gifts. I don't believe I'm a great League of Legends player or that I'm good at speed running so I don't claim to be. His idea of "taking me down" involved my talent so a battle for something I claim no dominance in is pointless. If I say I'm better than him at arguing and he says I'm going down is it not up to him to act and prove it?
Well, I agree, I was just giving a suggestion, and I have to agree that there is nothing else really matters here, and I do think proving other things really isn't necessary, since as you said, you never made such claims. It's just my point of view, but he seemed to not wanting to give up on the fact that you're better than him at something (not all), and he reluctantly agree that you're better at arguing, but (I haven't read his posts properly) he can't accept the fact that you claimed you're a better person than him just because you're great at this.
At the end of the day, nothing that I say really matter because it's what I see things here as, I'm not even sure what I said about this is remotely close to what he meant.