23:44:21 [+Hibia] HentaiElder sucks dicks~
23:44:22 [Klorofolun] OMG
23:44:26 [Twitty] he does?
23:44:29 [ImperialX] Woah.
23:44:31 [ImperialX] Hibia?
23:44:37 [+illumi] HentaiElder is becoming like Hibia from 2 years ago.
23:44:40 [+Hibia] Only here as an advisary.
23:44:40 [s0m3d00d] Who the fuck is Hibia?
23:44:40 [Klorofolun] I knew it.
23:44:41 [+illumi] except less aggressive.
23:44:46 [+Hibia] At least I was cool.
23:44:47 [Klorofolun] That must be why HE is sexist
23:44:47 [+Hibia] :3
23:44:49 [+Rai] IBIA
23:44:49 [@HentaiElder] Hibia, what makes you say that?
23:44:55 [~Nikon] HIBIA
23:44:56 [+illumi] Because Hibia is Hibia
23:44:56 [+Hibia] s0m3d00d: Someone really important.
23:44:59 [+Hibia] That you'll never be.
23:45:01 [+Hibia] :3
23:45:03 †¢Kick: Rai was kicked by Mayoi-chan (Excess CAPS detected. (100% of 50 chars) :: [Sun Aug 23 06:45:22 2009] - Banned 0 minutes ·151·)
23:45:03 †¢Joins: Rai (~Raiarashi@is.sleep.a.reality)
23:45:03 [ø] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v] Rai
23:45:03 [s0m3d00d] Like Hitler?
23:45:06 [+Rai] hi hi ~~
23:45:09 [+Hibia] Hiya Rai-chan
23:45:09 [+illumi] Hibia is a complete oldfag
23:45:12 [+illumi] of course.
23:45:15 [+Hibia] s0m3d00d: Hitler isn't even this cool
23:45:21 [Klorofolun] I miss Rei-chan. ;_;
23:45:22 [~Nikon] Of course not.
23:45:24 [~Nikon] He's dead.
23:45:28 [@HentaiElder] Hibia?
23:45:28 [s0m3d00d] True.
23:45:29 [+Hibia] He's very cool.
23:45:32 [+Hibia] Almost cold.
23:45:32 †¢Joins: ShadowrazoR (~shadowraz@kurae.VOLT.LIGHTER)
23:45:35 [+Hibia] ...
23:45:37 ° +Hibia snorts.
23:45:38 [~Nikon] ,,,
23:45:43 [Klorofolun] Mayoi-chan is a bitch
23:45:47 [s0m3d00d] No wonder my body temperature dropped 50 degrees.
23:45:49 [@HentaiElder] You completely disregarded my question and seemed to randomly insult me hibia. Why?
23:45:50 [~Nikon] I like Mayoi-chan.
23:45:56 [Klorofolun] >_>
23:46:01 [+Hibia] HentaiElder: Kicking Spanish people. : (
23:46:05 [+Hibia] Spanish are cool too you know.
23:46:13 [Twitty] Spanish is cool*
23:46:14 [~Nikon] Shuugo is a spanish fellow.
23:46:20 [+waar] wait a second
23:46:21 [@HentaiElder] I have nothing against them, I'm following after what I see fellow ops do.
23:46:21 [s0m3d00d] I'm Mexican.
23:46:23 [+waar] who is hibia?
23:46:24 †¢Joins: lollollol12 (cgiirc@Rizon-66C33811.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
23:46:28 [+Rai] lol
23:46:29 [~Nikon] Oh hey
23:46:30 [Klorofolun] Oh dear
23:46:31 [s0m3d00d] That's MY line, Waar.
23:46:33 [~Nikon] Look who it is
23:46:33 [@HentaiElder] Last I checked, Mattarat did kick a user for speaking something other than english.
23:46:34 [+illumi] fuck waar.
23:46:34 [lollollol12] HELO, COMRADES
23:46:34 [ImperialX] ...
23:46:38 †¢Quits: Hibia (~qwebirc@i.look.cute.in.a.skirt)
23:46:40 [+waar] no illumi
23:46:41 [+illumi] WHere is this coming from?
23:46:41 [+waar] fuck you
23:46:41 [Pyre] "<Hibia>: At least I was cool."
23:46:44 [+Rai] awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
23:46:46 [+illumi] skype or someshit?
23:46:47 [Pyre] Truth
23:46:49 [~Nikon COME BACK HIBIA
23:46:57 †¢Quits: Twitty(~dan_ddr@Rizon-992E7BE0.dllstx.fios.verizon.net)
23:47:02 [s0m3d00d] NO. He won't.
23:47:03 °@HentaiElder doesn't get why Hibia randomly appeared to insult him =/
23:47:07 [s0m3d00d] I locked the door.
23:47:13 [Klorofolun] Nobody does, HE.
23:47:15 [Klorofolun] Nobody does
23:47:17 [@HentaiElder] Eh....
23:47:22 [ImperialX] I have no idea what he was thinking.
23:47:28 [~Nikon] What's up, lollollol12
23:47:30 [+waar] where is what coming from?
23:47:30 †¢Joins: Hibia (~qwebirc@i.look.cute.in.a.skirt)
23:47:30 [ø] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v] Hibia
23:47:31 [s0m3d00d] Boredom impairs judgement.
23:47:36 [+Hibia] HentaiElder: Didn't really insult you.
23:47:39 [~Nikon] YOU'RE BACK!!!!
23:47:39 [+illumi] Anything skype going on?
23:47:40 [+Hibia] You should see me on a bad day.
23:47:43 [Klorofolun] Also, the 360 Elite is $300
23:47:43 [+illumi] I'm fairly bored.
23:47:44 [Klorofolun] FUCK YEAH
23:47:45 [@HentaiElder] Seemed like an insult to me.
23:47:47 [Pyre] Hibia~
23:47:51 (+TehMikuruSlave) Yeah, he had a '~'
23:47:53 [Klorofolun] illumi~~~
23:47:54 [+Hibia] I'm not back. Just clearing up issues that people seem to need tissues about.
23:48:01 05,05 05[01+waar05] we're having a chat
23:48:02 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) HIBIA
23:48:03 05,05 05[01Klorofolun05] Do Eva. >_>
23:48:03 05,05 05[01+waar05] thats about it
23:48:05 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) I need tissues
0105,05 01,00 23:48:08 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) For my penis
05,05 01,00 23:48:10 05,05 05[01+Rai05] my /hibia bind triggers Mayoi-chan
05,05 01,00 23:48:11 05,05 05[01~Nikon05] SPELLING.
05,05 01,00 23:48:12 05,05 05[01+Rai05] >_>;;
0105,05 01,00 23:48:15 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) Because I fapped when you entered the chan
05,05 01,00 23:48:16 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] Do it more.
0405,05 01,00 23:48:24 05,05 05° +Hibia high fives TehMikuruSlave
0105,05 01,00 23:48:30 05,05 05° +TehMikuruSlave high fives Hibia.
05,05 01,00 23:48:32 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] I realised that my /h5 bind doesn't work for webchat
05,05 01,00 23:48:35 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] And cried inside
0405,05 01,00 23:48:35 05,05 05[01s0m3d00d05] ...Dammit, TMS, I was going to say something along those lines!
0105,05 01,00 23:48:37 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) heh
05,05 01,00 23:48:54 05,05 05[01Kenjugs05] you were gambling with that high five hibs
0105,05 01,00 23:48:58 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) Oh, hibia, I've had "Hey You" stuck in my head all day
05,05 01,00 23:49:02 05,05 05[01+illumi05] Question: is skype going on or what?
05,05 01,00 23:49:07 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] You sicken me.
0105,05 01,00 23:49:08 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) How awesome is this, on a scale of one to ten?
05,05 01,00 23:49:09 05,05 05[01Pyre05] It is
0105,05 01,00 23:49:10 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) WHAT
0105,05 01,00 23:49:12 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) :[
05,05 01,00 23:49:12 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] Haha.
05,05 01,00 23:49:14 05,05 05[01Pyre05] More importantly Illumi
05,05 01,00 23:49:15 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] Just kidding.
05,05 01,00 23:49:16 05,05 05[01s0m3d00d05] The drummer singing never fails to impress me.
0105,05 01,00 23:49:18 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) :D
05,05 01,00 23:49:19 05,05 05[01Pyre05] Go translate
1405,05 01,00 23:49:21 05,05 05†¢ 01Quits: ShadowrazoR2 05(~shadowraz05@Rizon-9993A235.singnet.com.sg05) 05(Ping timeout: 240 seconds05)
05,05 01,00 23:49:21 05,05 05[01Pyre05] Eva
05,05 01,00 23:49:25 05,05 05[01+illumi05] fuck translating
05,05 01,00 23:49:27 05,05 05[01+illumi05] I'm tired.
05,05 01,00 23:49:28 05,05 05[01+Sindalf05] >>
05,05 01,00 23:49:30 05,05 05[01+Sindalf05] <<
05,05 01,00 23:49:32 05,05 05[01+Sindalf05] ^^^
05,05 01,00 23:49:32 05,05 05[01Pyre05] DO IT
05,05 01,00 23:49:33 05,05 05[01Klorofolun05] DO IT. D<
05,05 01,00 23:49:34 05,05 05[01~Nikon05] :[
05,05 01,00 23:49:35 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] HEY GUYS
05,05 01,00 23:49:38 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] DOES THE BOT BAN YOU
0105,05 01,00 23:49:43 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) Yeah
05,05 01,00 23:49:43 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] I WANT TO GET BANNED
1405,05 01,00 23:49:44 05,05 05†¢ 01Kick: Hibia was kicked by 01Mayoi-chan 05(Excess CAPS detected. (80% of 20 chars) :: [Sun Aug 23 06:50:04 2009] - Banned 0 minutes ·152·05)
05,05 01,00 23:49:45 05,05 05[01Pyre05] WHEN YOU SAY
05,05 01,00 23:49:46 05,05 05[01s0m3d00d05] Not me. I'm a good person.
05,05 01,00 23:49:47 05,05 05[01~Nikon05] YES IT DOES BUT NOT ME BECAUSE IT CANT
0105,05 01,00 23:49:48 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) :(
1405,05 01,00 23:49:48 05,05 05†¢ 01Joins: Hibia 05(~qwebirc05@i.look.cute.in.a.skirt05)
1405,05 01,00 23:49:48 05,05 01[05ø01] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode 05[01+v05] 01Hibia
05,05 01,00 23:49:49 05,05 05[01Pyre05] Rape
05,05 01,00 23:49:50 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] 0 minutes.
05,05 01,00 23:49:52 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] : (
05,05 01,00 23:49:56 05,05 05[01+Sindalf05] hibia say nigger and spam it
0105,05 01,00 23:49:56 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) ban comes next time
05,05 01,00 23:49:56 05,05 05[01Pyre05] Rape.
05,05 01,00 23:49:57 05,05 05[01~Nikon05] YOU HAVE TO DO IT MULTIPLE TIMES
05,05 01,00 23:49:57 05,05 05[01+Sindalf05] it will ban
0105,05 01,00 23:49:58 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) unfortunately.
0105,05 01,00 23:49:58 05,05 05° +Rai huggles Hibia
05,05 01,00 23:50:00 05,05 05[01Pyre05] RAPE
0105,05 01,00 23:50:02 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) Hibia
05,05 01,00 23:50:04 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] Nikon, be a pal
05,05 01,00 23:50:04 05,05 05[01~Nikon05] YOU GET A COUPLE OF WARNINGS BEFORE IT DECIDES TO BAN YOU
1405,05 01,00 23:50:05 05,05 01[05ø01] ChanMode: Mayoi-chan sets mode 05[01+b05] 01*!*@Oops.Dinosaurs
1405,05 01,00 23:50:05 05,05 05†¢ This 01*!*@Oops.Dinosaurs ban affects: 01~@Nikon
0105,05 01,00 23:50:06 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) I got banned for testing it
05,05 01,00 23:50:06 05,05 05[01+illumi05] Someone start a skype chat
0105,05 01,00 23:50:11 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) Which is gay.
0405,05 01,00 23:50:14 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] TehMikuruSlave: -shrug-
05,05 01,00 23:50:18 05,05 05[01+Rai05] illumi: there is one going on
0105,05 01,00 23:50:19 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) Pretty much.
05,05 01,00 23:50:20 05,05 05[01+Rai05] talk to waar
05,05 01,00 23:50:22 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] Nikon, be a pal :3
05,05 01,00 23:50:23 05,05 05[01+illumi05] goddamn.
05,05 01,00 23:50:24 05,05 05[01~Nikon05] You got banned for testing it... excessively <_<
1405,05 01,00 23:50:25 05,05 05†¢ 01Quits: HentaiElder 05(~HentaiEld05@Rizon-F929A6CF.nycmny.fios.verizon.net05) 05(Quit: Later05)
1405,05 01,00 23:50:27 05,05 01[05ø01] ChanMode: Nikon sets mode 05[01-b05] 01*!*@Oops.Dinosaurs
05,05 01,00 23:50:27 05,05 05[01+illumi05] waar, invite me.
05,05 01,00 23:50:31 05,05 05[01~Nikon05] What am I palling
05,05 01,00 23:50:34 05,05 05[01+waar05] not the host
05,05 01,00 23:50:35 05,05 05[01+Rai05] palling?
1405,05 01,00 23:50:40 05,05 05†¢ 01Quits: SecondaryNick 05(cgiirc05@Rizon-F929A6CF.nycmny.fios.verizon.net05) 05(Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client05)
05,05 01,00 23:50:40 05,05 05[01+Rai05] waar: oh
05,05 01,00 23:50:41 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] Ban me with a hilarious kick message.
05,05 01,00 23:50:41 05,05 05[01+illumi05] who is?
0405,05 01,00 23:50:44 05,05 05[01+Rai05] TMS is
05,05 01,00 23:50:44 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] _hilarious_
05,05 01,00 23:50:47 05,05 05[01s0m3d00d05] How hard is Red Devil? I'm considering buying it.
0105,05 01,00 23:51:01 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) Wait
0105,05 01,00 23:51:03 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) Mod me
0105,05 01,00 23:51:05 05,05 05(01+TehMikuruSlave05) Let me ban you
05,05 01,00 23:51:10 05,05 05[01Klorofolun05] :|
05,05 01,00 23:51:15 05,05 05[01+Hibia05] HERE
23:51:17 [+Hibia] LET ME OP YOU TMS
23:51:18 [~Nikon] Okay
23:51:21 (+TehMikuruSlave) YEAH HIBIA
23:51:21 [+Hibia] Oh it doesn't work
23:51:23 (+TehMikuruSlave) OH WAIT
23:51:25 [lollollol12] HAY HIBIA
23:51:29 [lollollol12] SUP DOOD
23:51:32 [s0m3d00d] Dood!
23:51:48 †¢ Joins: meganeshounen (~meganesho@Rizon-81804BB1.gw.smartbro.net)
23:51:48 [ø] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v] meganeshounen
23:51:51 [ø] ChanMode: Nikon sets mode [+b *!*@i.look.cute.in.a.skirt
23:51:51 This *!*@i.look.cute.in.a.skirt ban affects: +Hibia
23:51:53 †¢Kick: Hibia was kicked by Nikon(Why don't they do anime dubs with an all-Aussie cast?)