Waar wrote...
I dislike seeing people call it imaginary when it's a very real scientifically proven phenomenon.
I'm nearly positive the people who say that are trying to comfort themselves for being unsuccessful in their 'love life'. That being said, 'love' isn't always a good thing.
At a certain point your decision-making skills will suffer because when making decisions regarding a person who you have a deep affection for, your amygdala will have a smaller response. That group of neurons, which are responsible for your overall judgment abilities, are 'disabled' to an extent in regards to a person who you're 'in love' with. 'Love clouds your judgment' is not an exaggeration.
tl;dr In short, more people should learn about the human brain. We'd have fewer idiots this way.
P.S. I didn't explain everything there is to know about the chemicals produced when people experience the emotion of 'love' or the way synapses work, or what groups of neurons are active during those times, but I don't care to nor would I waste my time writing all of that.
If people care enough to know more, then they can look things up or go to a library.