say what! wrote...
ZensuuFuFu wrote...
Well most of you are speaking from a bias point of view, I'm not saying you are I have no recollection of YOUR past, but those of you who are know. If you haven't smoke cannabis than you have no place to talk. Your generalizations of "weed is for idiots" and etc is pretty insulting. Cannabis is not a drug or controlled substance, it has seeds it is grown in the ground and directly smoked, not processed. This thing you call a "drug" has less danger to a fully matured adult than a can of Pepsi! Do you know why they think marijuana causes brain damage? Because they strapped gasmasks on monkeys and pumped pure thc smoke into there lungs without pause, they were suffocated by the lack of oxygen. I'm sorry I shouldn't be ranting, I'm just tired of people proclaiming things they know nothing about. I'd post some cat pics now but I'm not sure if you want furry or just ecchi because I got 'em all ;)
It is :^)
Ya it actually even reverses the effects of cancer as well. It's an amazing plant, with it we could create hemp seed fuel (voiding fossil fuels one step closer to saving the planet) and it can be made into cloth and paper, we would no longer need to cut down trees! That's the whole reason the government bans it in the first place, it would take out the lumber industry. These people don't care about us or the environment, they just want to make a profit. :/