Marry your beloved user~ (reupdated de geso)

Onime-no-Enishi wrote...
Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
Onime-no-Enishi wrote...
Zero555 wrote...
Well there is not going to be that many marriages since they are hardly any girls here but also you dont know who is a girl until they say they are even after that you cant be 100% certain that they are

indeed, rules of the internet: there are no girls in the internet. know it as well... I bet you're some kind of an Online Games Player aren't you??... :wink:

an avid player ;P in my earlier days i used to be one of those MMORPGs (Many Men Online Role-Playing Girls) to get free items and stuff xD

lol.. so you're one of them..Even tho it's the fastest way to gain wealth, my pride as a man didn't allow me to do that.. so yeah.. and the game you played.. Ragnarok Online?
Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
Onime-no-Enishi wrote...
Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
Onime-no-Enishi wrote...
Zero555 wrote...
Well there is not going to be that many marriages since they are hardly any girls here but also you dont know who is a girl until they say they are even after that you cant be 100% certain that they are

indeed, rules of the internet: there are no girls in the internet. know it as well... I bet you're some kind of an Online Games Player aren't you??... :wink:

an avid player ;P in my earlier days i used to be one of those MMORPGs (Many Men Online Role-Playing Girls) to get free items and stuff xD

lol.. so you're one of them..Even tho it's the fastest way to gain wealth, my pride as a man didn't allow me to do that.. so yeah.. and the game you played.. Ragnarok Online?

LOL yes, RO got me started into the MMORPG world, i stopped role-playing girls when i stopped RO, which was the moment i touched WoW >>; it pretty much made me lose all interest in RO in 1 fell swoop.
Yup, thread derailed, and onime, if you doesn't like the idea, can you please kindly leave this thread? I bet there're other user that will enloy this thread. And for your information, naoto is my real girlfriend (by real, i mean "real") and hina is her friend and please just let this thread die if it's not interesting, don't spoil or derail it. And thanks in advance if you think about this post
Yeeaah unless the girl has proof of her being a girl... =3= I have proof, only person whose seen it is Rengo-kun. >w<

Matsurotachi Kage wrote...
Yeeaah unless the girl has proof of her being a girl... =3= I have proof, only person whose seen it is Rengo-kun. >w<


dead link.
ero-sensei wrote...
Yup, thread derailed, and onime, if you doesn't like the idea, can you please kindly leave this thread? I bet there're other user that will enloy this thread. And for your information, naoto is my real girlfriend (by real, i mean "real") and hina is her friend and please just let this thread die if it's not interesting, don't spoil or derail it. And thanks in advance if you think about this post

>>; well then im sorry about that, i really didnt mean to offend you in any way, you were fine with us chatting yesterday but today you seem to dislike it.

>>; well then im sorry about that, i really didnt mean to offend you in any way, you were fine with us chatting yesterday but today you seem to dislike it.
i'm not angry or anything, i just dislike the "there're no girls on the net" someone have said about it before and it offended me and my "girlfriend" a little, like i said, i'll never hate anyone so don't think i hate you or anything >____>
lol you dont have to take that seriously, its only meant as a joke, theres no such things as no girls being on the internet >>; i have alot of female friends and i know they cannot live without the internet.
who the hell made that rule >_>
Kazenoken wrote...
who the hell made that rule >_>

it was an image file created by some dude and he posted it up online in 4chan i believe, a LONG LONG LONG time ago =p so yea. it was pretty hilarious then, and people still bring it up sometimes. Its not to be taken seriously
Sooo... who's getting married today?
Seishiro Haga wrote...
Sooo... who's getting married today?

ero-sensei is trying to pull Reinna into his harem >_>
Mr. Bushido wrote...
Seishiro Haga wrote...
Sooo... who's getting married today?

ero-sensei is trying to pull Reinna into his harem >_>

OMG :shock: , looks like two aren't enough for ero.
Seishiro Haga wrote...
Mr. Bushido wrote...
Seishiro Haga wrote...
Sooo... who's getting married today?

ero-sensei is trying to pull Reinna into his harem >_>

OMG :shock: , looks like two aren't enough for ero.

If you can have 3, why stop at 2?.. that's his Policy i think..
ero-sensei wrote...

^there he goes again. :lol:
Let this thread be his for now, I want to see how many times in a row he will repeat that line...
[size=10]Ero!! Leave Naoto for now and come away with me xP[/h]
^are you married to ero?!
[size=10]Eh? Me?!?! I wish!! <3 But shes currently taken by Naoto!! But i have my chance... Naoto is leaving Ero lonely... very lonely. And thats where i come in.

Ero! Come away with me!! I'll never leave you alone!

Monster Girl
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