Berry berry berry! Surprise! :D
It's been a month since our glorious marriage and I honestly didn't think that it would end up this way(LOL) but In this very short time I've already experienced happiness that I've thought I've long lost forgotten~
So I'm really happy that you came into my life.
Everyday seems to be really fun and colorful and
Through our never ending PMs you never fail to make me smile and make my heart skip a beat and I should be thankful for that cause it really helps when I'm feeling down from work and or some other stupid problems.
And of course despite us rarely meeting at all,
I hope you won't change and stay sweet and kind!
I'm your support that will always protect you~
You and me, afk this game <3
Love you once,
love you still.
Always have,
and always will.
Once again, Happy monthsary hun! ♡♡
[size=10]IKNOWIDRAWBAD don't sue me ;_;[/h]