Qrast wrote...
dragonsheart967 wrote...
I honestly can't understand what most of you are saying.
We are discussing weather we should give a "mass murder of the century" title to G.W.Bush. Currently it being held by kim jong il with 800,000 people dead because of his action. but the title are still effective for G.w.bush for local record (his record started by sending his troop to overseas just to be killed by those Afghanistan and Iraqi rebels).
Well, I don't exactly believe that's fair. Considering he did give the order, it was something he was kind of pushed into through the bombing, and the people weren't just gonna sit there and do nothing do to the terrorist actions. Not to mention that the President would have to have consulted his adviser's and such with such a matter, and a majority agreed to go to war.
Sure, Bush wasn't a great President, but not as bad as people make him out to be. He was just in office during a bad time, when a giant shit hit the biggest fan.