Masayoshi wrote...
Let me guess, is it another 'prince charming'? You need to stop looking for hot guys and look for one that will treat you right. And no before you even think about it I'm not implying myself. I wouldn't date you either because your personality pisses me off a lot sometimes.
If you have suspicions, why don't you take the time to confirm whether they are true or not for yourself, instead of relying on the internet's 'wisdom' to guide you on the right path. Which it probably won't, since a decision you made based on what other people say instead of thinking about it yourself isn't really a decision worth making.
I don't think you understand how many times I've been rejected just on the basis of 'I'm ugly'. No one wants ugly people, but they could at least give us a chance. Seeing you run off with stupid guys over and over again is the reason why I just don't give a shit, but seeing you turn to the internet for advice is no better... so whatever. Do what you want.
Frankly, I just don't give a fuck what happens to you anymore. I put up with your drama for the last three fucking years straight, and I'm done. You used to have so much promise, used to have big dreams of graduating college and becoming a veterinarian, and weren't just trying to hook up and mooch off of guys... you can't complain if they're bad people when you do this shit all. the god. damn. time.
I'm fucking done.
fine by me faggot u can jerk off to your chinese shit while i get some real sex, cause you get laid how often again?
plus i was joking about the short and fat thing, grow a pair you retarded stump of a boy cow.
but honestly, how can you get laid when you probably cant see youre own ick?
maybe you should get some prison dude to make you their bitch faggot, since that's the only action youll be seeing you ungrateful cunt.
you should be honored you even had a female friend at all, too bad you fucked it up just because you cant put up with a few years of bullshit. oh well nice knowing you fuckface
i dont ever want to see or hear from you again you piece of shit whiny little faggot and you can forget my birthday, cause ill make sure to forget yours.
peace out little bitch