So my dad's heading up to the County line to get a bottle of Champagne for tonight's 12am festivities. What ever I don't really celebrate with them, because it's a bunch of old people and the only alcohol is wine. So I sit in my room and drink some(Not to get drunk) watching TV Playing Games and What not. So I hand him a 50 and give him specific instructions Half a fifth of Bombay Sapphire and a Flask of Bacardi Gold Rum and a Flask of Tvarscki Vodka, and get me a six pack as well. Well my dad know I only drink long necks, so he gets me a six pack, of long necks.
Aside: I'll drink anything, but I like my Amstel, and Sam Adams Boston Lager.
But here's the clencher. I though by now he knew what I drink. he gets me Bud Ice Light. Budwiser? For Crying out loud if you get me American Piss get me a pack of Miller High life, or Sam Adams Boston Lager.
But I guess I shouldn't be complaining too much, he did get the rest right.