Waar wrote...
PumpJack McGee wrote...
Collecting guns/target-sport shooting is weird to you?
Yes, I believe a gun is a tool and aside from the utilitarian needs I really think guns are just accidents waiting to happen. Reminder to everyone who isn't Jack I am Canadian, so it might just be a cultural difference.
Injuries/accidents are inevitable in any sport, really.
So an accident with a gun usually results in death- that just puts it on par with the more extreme sports like rock climbing, motor cross, and off-trail skiing.
I agree that the accessibility of guns in the states is a mite too easy, but I also think that guns really do get a bad rap.
The problem isn't the guns themselves- it's a lack of proper gun safety protocol.
Just like any tool/vehicle- if someone doesn't know how to use it properly, someone's gonna get hurt.
I don't see any motion to ban cars or circular saws, though.