EmiyaKiritsugu wrote...
Holy shit, you need my [size=28]
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Forget the legs, you need a hug.
The sentiments are appreciated. Physical affection always makes me feel a little better.
Really sucks that my only two "real-life" friends are both away at college. They're supposed to be coming up for winter break but plans are uncertain. I really could use some cuddle time. with ice cream. and nerdly things.
opanihuya wrote...
Shiieeeet. You need to make topics yourself, not answering others.
...Like I would chance my vulnerabilities on the people of this site.
I have friends from here that I talk to regularly on Skype. And they know what's been going on, so I'm not exactly up a creek without a paddle.
Just stressful times, is all.