Kiraneko wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Peltor wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Renovartio wrote...

I'm still curious about how it happened... They were both skilled drivers... Unless they were retarded, they must have hit something/ avoided something to do it. I'm curious to see the report on what caused it
They were on a porsche.
Drag racing in a shit tier overprice euro trash niggermobile. Also clip by another car they think. Shoulda use a Nissan or bugatti.
Freak you fag
That would be even worse.
German shit that middleage, fagholes and eurotrash with daddy money drive to be cool vs a high performance beauty only rich people and people who want to go faster then the tires can handle for 15 mins can get. Insert the four other alpha level super cars not hipster Lambos.
If you go Slowman/euro shit you might as well go BMW/AUDI,Ferrari or Swedish niggertry.