deathgod72 wrote...
that's why I said "after it has remained untouched for an extended period"
And I answered it with "
creating that sort of system is not easy". God do you even read?
deathgod72 wrote...
maybe its just me but I doubt its such a "godly thread" if its over 6-10 pages down the thread list
Well, you're plain wrong. 6-10 pages down the thread list IS MOST LIKELY NOT necrobumping. Necrobumping is when you bump a year old thread or even older, that is why there is a chance that may be some users actually wanna contribute to the thread, or the thread is just plain win, hence they necrobump.
deathgod72 wrote...
actually I just thought of another question
what if multiple users reply to a necrobumped thread or if they did so in a group would they all be banned? and I'm talking like 7-12 users just so you know
No, they would not be banned. Most likely get a warning from the OP or the kitty, but if they do so continuously and most of the users do not like what they are doing, then a ban might be given.