So I don't think I really have had much occasion for hentai these days: I can't say I'm on F! much or even reading often.
Am I just growing out of it? I mean I guess I still like it but it's kinda nuts that I now don't just don't see it fitting into my daily schedule... maybe it's due to being off of my laptop more in favor of my smartphone while out and about.
Or due to living in a new place, with people, etc. idk.
Happened to me a few times.
It's a sign that you either need to stop reading/watching hentai for a while or you need to try some other fetishes or some hardcore stuff.
On the other hand, if you literally don't have time for hentai, then shame on you !
There is always time for hentai. lol
I used to be able to fit anime/hentai somewhere in between the list. Now, even though I don't have many friends, I just don't have enough time to watch nor fap as much as before.