devsonfire wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
-Change ram, a friend has told me that corsair is really bad for doa ram
What RAM would you recommend?
The same friend told me g-skill aries ram is pretty mad, as well as kingston hyper-x. The g-skill ram is pretty cheap, and decent for the price, but I've also had a doa one of them, but eh.
1600mhz should be fine for either of those. just get 8gb (two 4gb sticks) and you should be fine.
devsonfire wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
-Do you need water cooling? You aren't getting an overclockable cpu, so you don't really need it. the stock standard fan will be fine
Sneaky told me to chuck extra 20 bucks for a liquid cooling so yeah lo no other reason.
Yeah, even massive air coolers are fairly overkill, unless you plan on pushing your pc to it's limit. Mine has a massive air cooler on, and it's pretty pointless, really. Takes up tonnes of room. That intel cpu you have there seems to come with a cooler already, so don't worry about one for now, it should come with one (according to:
devsonfire wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
-If you can, chuck a samsung evo ssd in there, and get a seagate 2tb hdd. Boot times will be good, and you'll have tonnes of room. otherwise, seagate 2tb hdd. they are decent
I don't think I can afford SSD
for now. I just need a PC that is decent enough for a starting level. As you know, this will be my first ever PC.
Fair call, stick with seagate then, it's cheaper than wd, and for the most part is probably better than the wd ones until you get to caviar black. They are pretty cheap, and work well.
devsonfire wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
-If you're trying to keep costs down, amd gpu's are a decent alternative. Although, if you're anti-amd, then the nvidia one is fine
But I don't know. I heard from a lot of people AMD is only good for gaming, whereas I want at least my PC to be able to do something else such as video editing and stuff. And, if the difference is less than 50 bucks I might as well get an Intel.
Possibly, but I've heard the complete opposite quite a lot of times, mostly due to them saying games are optomised for nvidia, so amd cards don't work very well (then I go in and slam the graphics with my card, heh. physics are still a bit average cause of the old card, but still slam it)
Otherwise, you can get this, which is still decent, for $100 less~
However, for the same price, you can get this:
And that looks to be better than the nvidia one money for money.
Although in saying that, that nvidia card does look pretty awewsome
devsonfire wrote...
I'm planning on going to MSY. It's pretty cheap, some are cheaper than the site I posted above.
Yeah, pccasegear and msy are the two best places to look into. maybe scorptech or whatever it is... something scorpion like name wise.