animefreak_usa wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
weren't they talking about japanese males?...
Yes but they have alot of JAV girls going over to Europe and North america for work and a growing black men in JAVs. The so called bestiality films by a lot of people on 2ch and /t/.
>growing black men in JAVs
"By taking on an African American sexual partner, the Japanese woman, who is socially, economically, politically and otherwise subordinate to her male counterpart, liberates herself and threatens Japanese male heterosexual subjective agency."
"[Spoon's] dick was not at all similar to the reddish, disgusting cocks of white guys. It was also different from the sad and pathetic organs of Japanese men... Spoon's dick shone before my eyes like a living thing. It reminded me of the sweet chocolate candy bars I love."
looks like Slayer will be missing on the fun.