animefreak_usa wrote...
The color wheel(the three primary colors that make all colors) in digital is red, green and blue. All three colors are 256 shades of that color so red 255 and blue 255 is magenta since the joke is greenzero's name is green 0 which is necessary in the color magenta. Aka
In the real world it's Red, yellow and blue because green is equal parts blue and yellow. We photographers believe all colors are shades of grey since if you read the channels they are.
[color=#993300]Well as a photographer, I agree with you, but also as a printer, which follows CMYK, by having M-0, you produce green spectrum colors. Light is composed of RGB but Ink is composed of RYB. It is broken to CMYK for convenience,
You do photography freak? Interesting. What model do you use?