Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
I dislike this thing so I'm going to give it more attention
I know this a joke but I'm gonna ask this anyway.
How does that work?
She's bagging out the main post... Say it in a mocking way, in regards to op, and you have the way she's saying it.
Too gay; didn't watch. also capped.
Geek week sounds like aids. Bing bong throry was/ is bad enough, then there was/ is people who are all 'OMG, I'M A GAMER/ I'M A GEEK LELXDROFLE' wearing hipster faggot glasses. Now, there is a week for these faggots?
Excuse me while I continue being a fat sweaty greasy nerd, and play secret of the magic crystal. Fucking brushed that foal, and it turned into a goddamn unicorn. Fuck I'm good.
Gravity cat can confirm I actually have this game, and that it is a horse breeding game. I got gifted it on steam.