Foreground Eclipse wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
Never heard of that anime therefore your assertion cannot be proved.
Seriously? I question the potential of your input to this discussion. Please educate yourself:
Huh, the movie is already out? Cool. I read the synopsis about a week ago or so and it piqued my interest. Your argument is still invalid though due to it not being of this season.
Eh, are we deciding seasons by wikipedia or when it gets watchable de facto? How the hell was I supposed to make this of its season when the only person who could've said anything at all back then was 623.
Peltor wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
This looks interesting, adding it to my backlog.
devsonfire wrote...
Not this season? Meh
animefreak_usa wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
Never heard of that anime therefore your assertion cannot be proved.
Seriously? I question the potential of your input to this discussion. Please educate yourself:
Huh, the movie is already out? Cool. I read the synopsis about a week ago or so and it piqued my interest. Your argument is still invalid though due to it not being of this season.

'Screw you, cat'
Nigga better get outta my sig before said nigga gets frozen.

Also @kengeneral, I remembered another movie with a similar concept that I went to a year ago. Were you talking about this: