Kokoistaretardlikewaar wrote...
Waar just took the easy way out. He bannned me already before so it was simplier to just let me go again. I didnt harrass anyone. There's a difference between insulting and harrassing. Harrassing (like what she clearly did in the past but got no repercussions out of it) Inside a nice place in waifu management for the upcoming games. Yeah thats really justifying the means waar.
It was an insult. Thats it. I didnt continue I dont intend to continue unlike others. My place here in fakku is that of peace and belonging and comradery. But you seem to enjoy taking that all away from me because its easier to be the bad guy.
So let's go over things then. She showed me two pm's which shows that it's continuous harassment. The messages in question were not prompted; you sent them out of the blue. I warned you 4 days before that if you did anything I found suspect I would make your ban permanent. Finally your opinion of the differences between what an insult and harassment is inconsequential as I'm the moderator and am the person trusted to make that judgement. The person you sent those insults to did not appreciate them, and I determined that it was harassment. Another ult banned.
kneegrowh8ER wrote...
How can one get a second chance to get unbanned
Oh and Knee, you e-mail Jake with reasons why you should be unbanned. Going to point out that you might want to change your name first. Banned.
loserinasuit wrote...
i thought mods werent supposed to give reasons on why pp get banned, but its IB and koko so yeah... idk what to say really except koko needs a better hobby
That's never been a rule, we just normally don't mention it but there are plenty of times where the reasons were made public. I need community assistance to deal with this one so I think it's necessary.