animefreak_usa wrote...
Renovartio wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Renovartio wrote...
>Voting for sHillary
>Voting for Grandpa Tard
You people serious?
>Voting for Adolf Trump
>Voting for special Ted
You niggas real?
You can't stump the Trump bitch.
Ask any question not about mexico, hands, or his dick but his wealth (which isn't 7billion), any thing his puts his name on (which they all fail), International events, Healthcare, Economy, or trade. He knows alot about bankruptcy, how to waste 500million trust fund and lying though.
I don't care about any of that.
You still can't stump the trump.
I would rather have him win over sHillary or Grandpa Retard.
The Republican party is done already (especially after the Chicago thing) and there's no one that's actually any good on the other side.
I mostly want him to win just because it'll make a lot of people mad.