Dread151 wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Tl;Dr, Google's excuse to oust MP4, SWF, gif, and Flash.
Quote this if you want longer detailed stuff
can the longer detailed stuff be explained without the jargon? :p
Well I just listed a few media formats.
WebM is a format that was developed by Google and based off the .mkv format (the format that a majority of subbed animes use). .mkv is capable of holding an unlimited number of video, audio, picture, or subtitle tracks in one file. WebM essentially allows it to be implemented onto websites and provides a royalty-free (so free) substitute to the code used in HTML5. Only problem is that WebM is new and not many programs can edit WebMs very well yet.
Tl;dr: WebM provides a way of storing large videos and other files in one place on websites without having to pay.