Ninja Lurker wrote...
No background to minimize CPU usage.
That'll only save some mb of ram.. or not even a mb if you use smaller wp. ^^ You should check your "Services" tool and "msconf" , and the "Services" (IIRC) under "Add or remove software". Disable/delete everything what you don't need (there are some useful howtos around the net), and hey, XP will be 3-4x faster. ;)
About my desktop. I mostly use Arch Linux x86-64 as main OS. I can't afford a MAC (and I dont really want one since MACports is not the best, and I couldn't affort any app for a MAC.. and its unusable.. and I won't buy a MAC to install linux on it.. ehm.. end of thoughts). I've got a spare partition, backup and such.. (reserving it to FreeBSD8.x+ :))
Mostly some vector based wp , modified a bit (black background, text, etc), conky (system monitor) and a minimal environment (Mostly LXDE, but I use IceWM and Fluxbox too as main DE/WM.)
Few weeks ago:
Hostel1 (showing wrong character encoding with Opera (QT4) on Poobuntu):
Hostel2 (wallpaper is just a random maid.. configured by fluxbox startup fille.. random picks one ero picture every boot :)):
Now (Ayanami):
XP boots up:
XP desktop:
Uhm.. Arch linux..uhm.. I mean XP.. uhm.. :)
Seamless mode again:
Seamless mode again2:
Arch.. uhm..Ubuntu..uh..XP..? :P
Sorry for the long post :)
By the way I'm not really into eyecandy, I like swiftness/robust work environment what won't get in my way. I just hate to have a bloated sh.t on my desk because others will say "whoaaa" (yepp, compiz, awk, kde4, etc.. youtube for them).