AzelleFans wrote...
Zamor wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Calus40 wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Question, what is that purple cubic thingie that you get from clearing last GudaGuda event map? The one you can also get by trading 100 prism in Da Vinci shop?
Yes it is. It is used to a skill go from lvl 9 to 10
I see. So I can delay to get it from Da Vinci in favor for golden tickets... unless if it has time limit. Does the one in Da Vinci shop have time limit, Calus-san?
It looks like you can only get one from Da Vinci for the 100 prisms
Yeah, but I'm concerned about that "21" number in the 1st column. If that means I only have 21 days left before it expires, it'll be hard to get it after exhausting all the golden tickets 1st.
Also, reaching 1 mil pts from today's 1AP map. YAY MAX NP NOBU~!
Can't say I know what that is, I just know middle column is amount available, the status cards have "---" so I'm assuming you can get as many as you want.
Congrats on 1mil Elly o3o