Zamor wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Zamor wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Zamor wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
@Zamduck: Well, they showed us bath scene already, so there's chance should they make CCC anime.
You don't have le koala killer?
No I don't D:
*poking Elly*
Awww... Better luck next time. *is pok'd*
Yeah, not so good luck recently *use Elly as pillow*
Hmm, well given that they're doing Kara no Kyoukai rerun event soon, there's chance for CCC event to comes back again later. You can try your luck again by then, unless if she's appearing before that. *is a pillow*
Also, poor Drake lost... and Tamamo (sticker) cameo lol.
That was a funny cameo of Tama lol. I really like how Shaft has been animating this Fate series, it looks very nice in their own style, I especially like the opening.
And Drake didn't get to be around for too long which was sad..
btw what is your avi of? *snuggle Elly pillow*
Well, too bad "lot of people" disagree with you and bashing Last Encore already. Some even say that Apocrypha is better than Last Encore (which they also bashed so hard during its time lol). Me and dear brother are enjoying this show, of course. But the file size of each episode is killing us...
Since it'll be 24 eps(?), wonder how they'll handle each Servants encounter.
She's So Dakki, main antagonist from Hakyuu Houshin Engi. It's old manga which gets new animation this Season. If you're interested, I'd recommend the manga instead, though.
Also, Dakki is a youkai. Her real form is a 9-tailed fox (nyehehehe). *is being snuggl'd on*