ecchigaijin wrote...
I brought up your horrible reading skills in both threads because they apply in both threads. Both time you obviously didn't understand common grammar points strung in a sentence, and responded in a way that made that obvious.
So yeah, I "pointless insult" you.
Horrible reading skills? Again, if you're going to accuse me of being something or doing something wrong, at least point out where or how I'm doing it, otherwise
it is a pointless insult.
In the other thread you said something illogical and couldn't get past the idea of someone actually pointing that out.(boo hoo)
In this thread you're doing things such as:
-Asking loaded questions.(Logical Fallacies Ho!)
-Making up definitions for what is considered a twat.(I explained to you how it fits existing ones, you never bothered to correct yourself)
-Implied I made up some standard for what makes up a gamer even though I stated there wasn't a true definition since the actual technical term is general and encompasses anyone or anything who simply plays Digital Interactive Media. Saying things like "only true gamers" is an ignorant statement. I don't believe there is any true requirement to be considered a "gamer", just in the way there's not requirements to be considered a person who likes reading or music aficionado.
See, when I told you to be a better person, I meant not to write thing things like this:
ecchigaijin wrote...
Just curious.
[size=29]I know, they're a twat[/h]. But at least
you told us what the standards or requirements for THAT are. (rolls eyes)
ecchigaijin wrote...
[size=29]you[/h] go around handing out definitions of what makes people a twat.
ecchigaijin wrote...
I don't know, you seemed to ignore the irony in telling someone what makes them a twat
(lel at the actual irony)
You instantly disregard your own inquiries with hypocrisy while actually demanding for a definition that doesn't really exist and
completely arbitrary and subjective. I explained it to you several times, yet you insist that I made up a standard.
Also when I called him a twat I used an existing definition(well as real as it is for any slang) to
justify it(didn't really have to).
ecchigaijin wrote...
someone who rails on people who make definitions of one thing by using them as a definition for an insult.
Looking back this statement speaks volumes about what kind of person you are.