Foreground Eclipse wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
Watch season two but lower your expectations. Then put those expectations to the top for the movie. The movie is going to be amazing.
awwwwwwwwwwwwww shieeeeeeeeet these goosebumps
Season two doesn't really finish everything up, but instead it is more of a filler period for Akane to really cement her views. It was also not produced by the same studio as season one, hence why it isn't as good as s1. Season two leads up to the movie where it is supposed to tie everything up once and for all. It is also by the original studio and has urobutcher returning as the writer.
tl;dr s2 is practically character and plot build-up for the movie and urobutcher is writing the movie
mmm I see, you research the cast before watching stuff. That urobutcher must be one sick motherfucker if he came up with everything preceding this episode: there were only a few times when i was drawn into the psychological struggle and ensuing deduction experienced by the protagonist in surreal circumstances, and convinced along with him/her; my mind craves for stuff like that. so i'll be joining you in your anticipation for it lol
fuck tldr!