^1000/10 Seriously, you have a talent for making sigs, ero
Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
this is not a waifu rating thread is it??...
10 for all Uzu-kun coz they're very well made. :P ..1 Comment from me...It's not the best Setsuna's pic IMO...
I know. I'm thinking of making another one right now... Oh. You have other pictures of Setsuna?!? Mind sending them to me via PM?
9/10 for the GIF Sig, 10/10 for Waifu =D
something like this....these are the only setsunas have in my Pic folder..
I love the first one myself since it's epic...
EDIT : Ah...that first Pic is actually in High Res...Click it to have it bigger...
Thanks! I've been searching for the first one for quite some time now. Gonna use that =)
Actually, I made another one before you posted this. So after I make
another, you can be the judge on what's better.
k, thanks =D