I posted this on the Kuroniu Video Discussion may as well post it here
Heres my Full Review of Kuroniu
Its Finally Over!
Its Finally Fuggin Over!
Kuroinu is finally Over!
Alot of People seem Pissed O_o;
And I dont Blame em...
First off let me establish i Never do like the Rape, Gangbang (unless done right Mindbreaking, or NTR Genres of Hentai, mostly becuase its a moral kinda deal it dosent ever leave a good satisfaction for myself, I can Fap to it dont get me wrong but i'll be like 'its not enough'. Plus These Genres seemed to Plauge the the Hentaiverse like Cancer, seriously everywhere you look you find em anyware
But...I Digress, this isnt about my Taste in Hentai its about Reviewing Kuroinu.
So did I like it? Nope...
Partly because of its content, while the scnes are very well animated and have some saucy scenes sprinkled here and there that can be considered very faptacular, BUT i wouldnt have given this anythough if it didnt paint a beautiful cast of characters, The Characters all of them are very well made so much so that i could draw Asthetic Personas from each of them, and with the little screen time they have i can construct a Awesome blend of great Chaarcters that i would love to Bang myself, but because the Hentai demands it to be Rape and Mindbreaking it devolves its lovely ladies and makes basicly ALL MEN ARE EVIL kinda route which is a shame, This could have been something simular to Kyonyuu Fanatsy or if they wanted a decent Balance, Simular to bible black, have something that everyone can enjoy.
The Other Reason why I dont like it is because well....it was Rushed...Very Rushed...Esspecally Its ending. Volume 1 and 2 established itself very nicely giving a good world to be in and characters to fap to, but Volume 3 rolls around and they cram 3 characters into there, which is a really short time to get alot of things out of the way, not only that you have to balance out the other characters while we did see what happened to Alicia and Prim, we barely see anything of Origa and Chloe. But Volume 4 was when this house of Cards jsut falls. We have to Cram 3 more Scenes into this aswell as giving Closer on what happened, And the anime failed at this, The Scenes were so Short i was left scratching my head on WTF happened, Only Chloie and Origa got SOME Closer but it was too breif to feel satsifaction, Plus the Sex Scenes they Chosen for Volumes 3 and 4 were a poor choice as their are much better Scenes in the HCG's, I was really excited for the Massive Orgy and seeing some characters team up and do some Raunchy as hell stuff, and MAYBE get a decent Epioluge but it was all half assed...the ending was like Prototype 2, your just sitting there saying 'Now What' what exactly did Volt Accomplish? What happens to our Heroens? Is the World Doomed because they Raped a Goddess? How dose everyone think of this? What Exactly Happened? I hate it when a Hentai gives no sense of Closer to whats going on, leaving us the fans to just judge it how it was
Was their anything I Enjoyed? Yes, I loved its Animation its some of the ebst i've seen in awhile, I also loved our cast of Characters even the main Antagonsits all of them I could see in a Fanatsy Anime like Queens Blade.
All in All This was a Bitter ending, nothing was accomplished and it falls under the catagory of Wasted Potential. I would have much rather seen it as a balanced Hentai having All Genres so no one is dissatisfyed, I would have also liked a 5th Volume to extend the Orgy scene and give Closer on what happened, but we shall sadly never get that, If anything we can hope for a 5 minute Bounus scene at most...but even then thats asking too much and it probley be Insane anyways like what happned at the end of Princess Knight Catue.
Final Score: D-
Postives: Great Animation, Great Chaarcters, Great Set up
Negatives: Rape we seen it before, No Closer, Very Rushed at the Ending, and Lack of Raunchy Scenes
If you enjoyed this Great, I jsut didnt think it was THAT good, and its a Real Sahme as it had Vast Potential.
Well Im going to Start my Doujin on this now >83
I leave you with Some Nice Pics