Skyler998 wrote...
Noutakun wrote...
Anyone else tired of the same old ads? Well, tell me what you think of them. Make up a new story. Give me a new way to look at them. For example:
What the HELL. Why is she showing me her crotchular rash? I am not a doctor.
well as long she's not asking for a scratch thats fine with me...
Woh. Did NOT think of it that way. Pass.
Rivenby wrote...
Instead of cramping all in one banner, why dont split it to a few ones and make it random at each refresh?
Just my 2 cents...
...Look at the J-List ad at the bottom of this page. Refresh your browser. It's different! Yay! I think there are around 4 different ads.
lurking, I love one of those porn ads, the one where a girl moves her leg back and forth and she has secks like that. Everytime I see it, I laugh.