Take my grenade launcher out of hiding and fire the full magazine into his home as he/she is eating. Drive by shooting!! To ensure there's no survivors, dial my cellphone and have the satellite fire it's hidden nukes into the home. Kablooey.
Buy a katana (sword), wait till 1 am. Slice him to dead then sell his organ. Give his meat to the piranha, throw his bone to the acid. Then go home to continue my activity
Im going to tie him up.
Make hime watch me torture everyone he cares about. One by one.
Then Im going to torture him. Then Ima make him starve to death.
Find his real identity by locating his IP address and search if he uses social networks. Then crop his picture to a hardcore gay photo shoot pic and post it all over 4 chan and every image board that allows me to. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: