fuwaruu wrote...
PumpJack McGee wrote...
Just finished Robotics;Notes.
That was a waste of time.
Onwards to Mirai Nikki.
Yeah, R;N was disappointing. All that build-up for nothing.
Last three episodes felt like they were written for a kids movie.
And pretty much everyone's side stories were kinda left for naught, with no finish. Why was MISTER PLEIADES dad important in any way? What the fuck happened to Frau's mom? Mizuka just died. Kojima Kou's motives could have been good (essentially the same as the Joker) but they didn't build on his character enough to really sell it.
Really, the best thing to come out of this anime is that NekoMaid app.
If such an app existed, I'd get one of them smartphone thingies in a heartbeat.