Masayoshi wrote...
Dafuq is Gamergate?
I haven't exactly been living under a rock, I've just been very busy with work and school. Yet, no one at college ever talks about it?
I wonder why?
Because the whole ordeal is literally trash. Somebody being trash, then lots of journalists go on about how gamers are trash, then they retaliate, then the original trash cries wolf about things to play the victim, and then people rally to back her up. Then her cries are called out as fake, blah blah.
Cycle of bullshit essentially. Look into it if you want, but don't do much on it, it's dying off now, thank fuck. Odds are this movie will throw a massive spin on it again, and cause it to rise up, and make everyone think gamers are trash again, and more bullshit will happen. Then it's just a case of sitting inside until it dies down again, because fads