artcellrox wrote...
Prince Hamlet wrote...
[color=#006FFF]These are the Mimicuties. They are the trolls of Kid Icarus Uprising. I like them though, because I like to think about them being female, and I love me some sexy thighs.
Also, I hear some people say Kid Icarus is, gameplay-wise, basically Nintendo's own God of War. How much is that true, would you say?
[color=#006FFF]Yick. To relate Uprising to GoW is a not only way off base, but it's also rather demeaning to the former, imo (since I think GoW is extremely overrated and not very good at all). however, my bias aside, they are not alike, no. Kid Icarus is more like Sin and Punishment (air) mixed with Super Smash Bros. (land) but on a 3D plane.