Instead of sliding down a spiral of self-depression and pessimism, climb up the spiraling staircase of infinite better qualities of yourself.
Those of you who are incapable of identifying their faults, have hope in yourself. Those of you who seek power to shrink their faults, have confidence in yourself. Those who are ignorant of their faults and refuse to change their ways, have pity upon yourself.
It is yourself that holds the key to your heart. You can evolve into a tomorrow.
Paul Dobson voicing Eliphas The is a thing of monstrous beauty.
GeneralMontague wrote...
With the prior chaos lords, you got the feeling that their yelling and threats were just bluster or they were so psychotic they might kill you even if they weren't annoyed.
for example "cross me and die" Bale and Crull make it sound like it's just the way they talk. Eliphas sounds like if you ever fuck with him, the last thing you'll see is his rapidly accelerating fist.