Aura-Desu wrote...
[4:33:39 AM] Führer Decchan: hey, if I wanted to make Limegreen have an affair with me, is there any ideas you could think of that I could try?
[4:36:47 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: woman you talked to me for jsut taht?
[4:37:03 AM] Führer Decchan: xD no, but I was running out of talking ideas
[4:39:26 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: e_e
[4:40:15 AM] Führer Decchan: what? D:
[4:41:27 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: e_e
[4:41:54 AM] Führer Decchan: come on D: didn't you miss me?
[4:43:40 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: better question is dont yoy miss me e_e
[4:49:07 AM] Führer Decchan: of course I did, otherwise I wouldn't have messaged you
[4:54:32 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: maybe e_e
[4:54:33 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: or
[4:54:53 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: you could be using me for some underground loli smugglinh ring
[4:56:14 AM] Führer Decchan: yes.
[4:56:16 AM] Führer Decchan: you caught me
[4:56:17 AM] Führer Decchan: damn
[4:56:21 AM] Führer Decchan: so...
[4:56:22 AM] Führer Decchan: you in?
[4:05:54 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: you try it, trust me
[4:06:00 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: im a docter
[4:06:01 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: e_e
[4:06:08 AM] Führer Decchan: you are a doctor...
[4:06:13 AM] Führer Decchan: waffs, be my bride
[4:06:22 AM] Führer Decchan: gimme all yo doctor money
[4:15:00 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: nuuuuh uuuuuh
[4:15:11 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: i aint man enough fo me e_e
[4:15:24 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: -black lady snaps-
[4:16:15 AM] Führer Decchan: I'll give you some bird seeds?
[4:16:24 AM] Führer Decchan: Führer Decchan holds out a handful of bird seeds
[4:16:28 AM] Führer Decchan: come one, good boy
[4:19:22 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: -slaps out of hands -
[4:19:31 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh nuuuuhhhhh >:V
[4:20:22 AM] Führer Decchan: D: BAD BIRD
[4:20:27 AM] Führer Decchan: Führer Decchan strangles Waffs
[4:21:52 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: -poops on you -
[4:21:57 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: :V
[4:21:58 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: nue
[4:22:13 AM] Führer Decchan: Führer Decchan snaps waffs neck
[4:22:25 AM] Führer Decchan: MAAAA!! WE HAVIN CHICKEN TONIGHT
[4:24:53 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: no we have two of me now
[4:25:04 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: -poops on you as head wiggles-
[4:25:05 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: >:V
[4:25:44 AM] Führer Decchan: Führer Decchan snaps neck of second one
[4:27:37 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: --pats and pops on you shoes-
[4:27:41 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: you jsut wont learn wont you
[4:27:43 AM] Dr. Magic Ghost Spider Dragon Waffles: :V
[4:28:26 AM] Führer Decchan: MAAAA! BRING MY CHAINSAW
why do these make me laugh so much xD