Satsugai wrote...
Prince Hamlet wrote...
Satsugai wrote...
The things I doodle when I'm bored.
[color=#006FFF]I like it. 'Reminds me of the abstract morbid stuff I used to sketch in high school when I was bored.
Thanks, one thing I liked about my doodles was that if you turn it around, you'll see something else.
[color=#006FFF]Oh that sounds like this one thing I drew a long time ago. I drew it as an open mouth with the tongue sticking out over the bottom teeth and there was one big eye at the end of the tongue--one of my more creepy/morbid sketches haha--and my sister was looking at it from the other angle and said she saw it as a cartoonish dog head, and goddammit it did. =_=
The eye was like the big nose, the tongue was the snout, etc. I looked for it years ago to post in my art thread a long time ago but I've given up since, lol. Accidental optical illusions are pretty awesome, hehe.
So they totally genderswapped me for this problem in my Italian text book.