Prince Hamlet wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Awaiting Prinny's response to the first half of Kill la Kill ep 16.
[color=#006FFF]Just watched it and it's as giddy and fanboy-y as you think, lol. I feel like it was enough fan service without going overboard so I also liked that. There were so many scenes with Satsuki in this episode that I loved though, so this is just one (big example) of them.
[color=#006FFF]Oh and one more from the new OP that I love.
[color=#006FFF]My favorite of the bondage/constricted poses.
[color=#006FFF]And dat ED
I'm not even done with ep yet, I only finsihed the OP
Holy mother of god that new OP is fucking beautiful, I especially love how they use their blood to make the KLK logo red at the end. I also take a huge liking to the bondage poses.
>Also KLK doesn't mess around with recap episodes, this shit is serious(sort of).
This made me laugh so hard.