Misaki_Chi wrote...
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Acronym Definition
[size=24]BJ Blow Job[/size]
BJ Blackjack
BJ Beijing (China)
BJ Bubble-Jet (Canon)
BJ Bon Jovi (band)
BJ Beijo (Portuguese: Kiss)
BJ Billy Joel (singer)
BJ Blue Jays (baseball team)
BJ Billie Jean (Michal Jackson song)
BJ Blue Jeans
BJ Baujahr (German: year of construction)
BJ Bonjour (French: hello)
BJ Ball Joint (mechanical)
BJ Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day)
BJ Ben and Jerry's
BJ Baby Jane
BJ Brian Jones (Rolling Stones member)
BJ Bundesamt für Justiz (Federal Office of Justice, Switzerland)
BJ Bad Job
BJ Big Job
BJ Biochemical Journal
BJ Bobby Jackson (basketball player)
BJ Blonde Joke
BJ Broad Jump
BJ Bob Jones University
BJ Before Jesus
BJ Back Judge (football)
BJ Bachelor of Journalism
BJ Brand Jordan
BJ Beverly Jean (from BJ's Wholesale Club; retailer named for founder's daughter)
BJ Beth Jacob (Synagogue)
BJ Brian Jacques (author)
BJ B'nai Jeshurun (New York)
BJ Byron Jackson (Byron Jackson Company)
BJ Bill Joy (designer of Berkeley UNIX BSD, Chief Scientist of Sun Microsystems)
BJ Blueberry Juice
BJ Bulkhead Jack
BJ Breakfast Jack (Jack in the Box Sandwich)
BJ Bunjee Jump
BJ Bai Jiu (Chinese wine)
BJ Bomberman Jetters (video game)
BJ Bantam Jack (test connector)
BJ Barrage Jammer