Hive-san wrote...
If vaginas are water, would anal be "earth"?
... My god! Yes! That is more correct than I realized!
Okay so men have Wood element and women have Water element.
When those two elements mix, they create theLlife element.
But what about humanity in general? Well some religions say that God or one of the Gods sculpted man from clay. Clay is earth.
Wood and water elements are also in plants! They are alive... But how do they get their life element if they don't have sex? Sure they make seeds and pollinate, but the seeds need that jumpstart to flourish.
And that jumpstart comes from our poo. Poop is a fertilizer for plants, giving a bit of the life element in the form of this squishy brown "clay" that is the excess life element from the meats and plants we eat.
The poo biodegrade a back into the earth and speeds that life element to the plants, resetting the cycle. . Therefore. Poop technacly becomes earth element.
Yeah. Typos. I know. I don't care.
I got to do that thing with Cherry that involves mixing water elements to create a big puddle soon!