MyLastStand wrote...
I doubt you had the
credentials to go to the community college I'm enrolled in.
Also, it's not feminazi, just feminist. Just because we're standing up for women's rights
and the little people doesn't mean you can belittle our position as feminists.
It's pedophiles and other sick fucks like you that make female oppression
more possible.
I almost don't feel like you're worth this much energy, but let me put this into terms you might understand:
1. Community Colleges don't need credentials. You apply, get accepted, take placement tests, get your ID, register for classes, get your books, done. It usually can be paid for with just financial aid, since community colleges have cheap tuition.
I seriously doubt you have a fucking clue about college, and now have little doubt that you're just throwing around the term 'community college' to try and sound slightly less stupid. But you failed. If so, where do you go? The Community College for Gifted Retards?
Universities, on the other hand, are a mixed bag - some are easier to get into than others, but for ALL of them, you're submitting a letter in order to get in, as part of application process, and your writing skills, as well as your high-school education history and grades, are both under scrutiny. Good luck getting in, you can't even use proper grammar on a porn forum.
2. You're the one demeaning 'the little people', quite frequently. Lolicons (who are not pedophiles) are a small percentage of this forum, but do you look out for them? Nope, you do the exact opposite, insulting them at every turn, you fucking hypocrite. Instead of being impartial and just, you're just looking out for your own twisted point of view.
3. No, it's quite the opposite. Active pedophiles and 'other sick fucks' bring attention to the issues, which then get fixed one way or the other, and give more protection for those claiming they were raped. not only that, but men are seen with prejudice in any court where they are being tried for sex crimes.
To prove the men innocent is no simple task, as they are often tried as though they are guilty first. It means that if the girl in the article, found guilty of false accusations more than once, was unable to get a man convicted of a sex crime, that means that the evidence so heavily supported the innocence of the men that there was no question the girl lied about the events she claimed took place.
What did she suffer from afterward? Certainly not jail time, because attempting to flip a man's life upside down and brand him a sex criminal is NO BIG FUCKING DEAL. If you think for a second that men are favored in today's society, you are the biggest moron I've ever seen.