The Xbox One setup raises some questions. If someone has games on their One and the hard drive dies and all data is lost what happens? If the code can only be used once per Xbox Live account and the game disc has that code can you never play that game again?
That said, it looks like buying used games will be impossible for Xbox One users. I was a Sony person to begin with so little love was lost. I would never pay release price for any game, most of my stuff is used anyways too so PS4 it is.
I spent a crapload of money on my new PC so fuck consoles because i think I'll be set for the next couple of years...
The only chance of me buying a console(PS4, in the coming year(s) - not now) is if Kingdom Hearts 3 or Persona 5 get released and if the console itself costs less than 400$... also if it gets hacked to play pirated games that helps a loooot...