PumpJack McGee wrote...
Is there any way to get past the spitters in stage 2 without taking a hit? The puddles seem to be too large for her to jump over.
It's the one that has the red worms right in front of it that annoys me. The timing between the worms and the spitter is just plain annoying. Like traffic lights at an intersection that seem to let everyone but you go.
This part was a bitch.
I found out that you can not get hit by the spit 'before' it hits the ground.
So you can actually walk past the spitter while he is spitting the green stuff up then jump as soon as the green ball hits the ground [to create the puddle].
The animation that creates the puddle is harmless. If you time the jump at the end of the animation while you are walking through it, you'll pass without trouble.
Hit the worm first, walk as far into the spitter animation as possible, then jump at the end to avoid getting stuck in the puddle. If another worm comes out after you jump, simply low kick it and continue on. [don't bother if the worm isn't heading towards you.]
Another way is to wait until the puddle disappears [but from what I remember, there is one spitter that spits faster than the others.]
If DDR Fight Club wasn't on tonight, I'd make a few walkthrough videos. to help out.