animefreak_usa wrote...
Kiraneko wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
DarkShatter wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
What exactly am I looking at, uncle freaky?
Girl menstrating?
Yes. Its my fetish. Also it was a boy once.
I think I may have seen a doujin like that before.
Boku wa mari no naka.
Freak. I think you went a little up and over with menstration.
That shit is horrible. Waking up in the morning to your panties soiled with blood.
Awful awful thing.
Doesn't have to be menstruation... i also liek it straight from the tap. I wish i could post the vampire tea bottle.
Blood from anywhere else = Yeah, thats nice
Blood from the vagina = ... Ew... disgusting.. Thats nasty.
freak u a nasty bitch.