I just wanna post this because it needs to be read ... it's pretty obvious when a Woman makes herself look good or adds a fresh scent of perfume to attract the opposite gender, just like Men when they workout and try to look good for the opposite gender.
It's pretty obvious isn't it ..... that maybe they are doing it just to attract anybody just so they can get to know somebody and build a connection.
So guys, if you see a woman who done this or that and it isn't usual, that means she wants to mate, so go get em. ( Vice versa for the ladies as well )
Video removed because of vagoo. lol
It was about some woman getting a brazilian waxing.
She was acting like it was the most painful thing in the world.
Video removed because of vagoo. lol
It was about some woman getting a brazilian waxing.
She was acting like it was the most painful thing in the world.
i understand what the person said very well because its not rocket science
The thought of said activity hasn't crossed my mind. Op implied they're doing it for us but eating out isn't something I'd consider done for myself. To each his own I guess.