devsonfire wrote...
Sup mate, real life taking its toll?
Very much so actually. It's gotten to the point where my social life has become some form of work outside of my usual warehouse work. But it's not all that bad it actually has a lot to do with the game I'm making.
SolidShark wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
SolidShark wrote...
Who are you?
>not knowing bell pepper man
Tell me his story.
So um.. one day my mum and pops got into it.
Like they really let themselves go. They tell me its grownup wrestling, but Imma call bullshit on that. I've seen people wrestling before and not even once was there a copy of me being born from that.
So after my parents wrestling match, I was their trophy. I went to memorization camps in both Central America as well as North America. I was a bit of a trouble maker. However, as my father has spoken onto me, you aren't really a trouble maker if most of the trouble goes over the general populations head. So from this you could call me a hipster in terms of the amount of obscure trouble I have caused in my childhood. Ever heard of a Death Present? I understand, you probably never heard of it due to it being so obscure and shit. Basically you grab a group of friends and if one of them piss you off, You send them a Death Present on xmas. Now Don't get this wrong. you aren't killing anyone here, just killing their souls and willpower. That's the joke. My last one was the present that won the War on Xmas a few years back. It's two identical cubes made of really hard plastic. Each cube has a little chip that blasts this ungodly noise for about 3-4months each. Once one cube dies the other starts up. They are completely waterproof, fireproof, indestructible in every way you can dream of. Oh the passionate hatred filled [and increasingly desperate crying for help filled] letters I received after that one. But no, I do not help those who mail me things that spray ink all over the house. I'm not about that bitch pleb life. I make them suffer grandly.
-Excerpt from "I Am Nakamura" by Tanasinn Nakamura
cruz737 wrote...
Bell peper guy! You're back.
I'll be popping in from time to time.
How you doin?
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
B-But I didn't get to move my piece yet...