Fakku has a huge trove of history, and I'd love to have an excuse to look at some I may have missed. I've been writing a few reviews for those on the front page, and I'd be more than happy to tackle any review requests. There are only two limitations:
1) Doujinshi that covers source material that could be potential spoiler material for anime and manga I plan to experience will not be considered.
2) Material that requires extensive previous hentai to read will not be considered (example: Part 54 of an ongoing hentai series)
Also, if you have any questions for me here, I'd be glad to answer them!
Angraecum is a surprising hentai. The art is well done, although the faces originally took some getting used to. It starts off as a typical "other world" hentai, where the female leads happen to pop into the room from nowhere, and rush into sex from the get-go. Distinguishing it from others, they seem to have escaped to the world deliberately, and, other than the mandatory topic of sex, don't have the general ditziness of "other world" girls. They are subsequently joined by another girl, and, although the transition seems a bit off color, she also joins the harem. With fourth manga of the five part series being almost entirely fan service (if hentai can have fan service), I admittedly had lost hope for Angraecum to feel any significance. However, the end of the fourth manga set up an interesting story hook. This led to the finale being much better than expected, and evolving from a traditional, unremarkable harem to a very powerful, sweet vanilla. I recommend reading through the whole series at least once, and favouriting the last two chapters. Angraecum is a very good show of quality hentai, and shouldn't be overlooked.