"A good man can stand and fight when the fight is even, but it takes a great man to stand and fight when he is most likely to die."
"If you don't expect gratitude you'll seldom be disappointed. "
"The very process of construction and creation foreshadow destruction and decay. The palace of today is tomorrow's ruin, the maiden of the morning is the crone of the night, and the hope of a moment is but the foundation stone of everlasting regret."
[size=12]★ i have a hard time expressing how i feel. i can usually never find the words for it, only finding them spelled out in stars and early morning sunshine. that's when i can truly feel what i'm feeling, at my core.
★ like circe, i don't like to show people my emotions. i am also sensitive and easily stressed, though, which sometimes makes it hard to hide.
★ in order to feel at peace, i need to find a balance within myself.
★ i believe in enchantment.
★ i believe in ghosts.
★ i believe in you.
★ i have a hard time believing in myself. [/h]
I enjoy laughing at the middle class, ask for handouts from someone who actually doesn't care about the work of their blood and tears, it's not my fault you didn't beat me those 8 years.
I share my birthday with some amazing musicians: Mstislav Rostropovich, Sarah Vaughan, Mariah Carey, Maria Ewing, and Tak Matsumoto. Oh, Quentin Tarantino has the same birthday too, but meh...the only film I really, really liked of his was Inglorious Basterds.
I like fedoras a lot. On men or on women.
Tea (most kinds) is my favorite drink. Carbonated water is a close second, even if I usually can't stand carbonation in anything else.
Because I can't stand carbonation, on the rare occasions I do drink sodas, I leave the cans/bottles open in the fridge until they go flat before drinking them.